Where do you use Python?

All the games use Python for logic and server controls. Python is frequently used for creating open-source, free games, e.g., OpenRTS, PySol, Metin 2, or Frets On Fire - famous Guitar Hero-like games written in pygame.

And what about the major websites and services? Dropbox? UBER? Spotify? Pintrest? BuzzFeed? Yes. They were all written, to a greater or lesser extent, in Python. Other examples?

  • Internet Applications (BitTorrent, Jogger Publishing Assistant, TheCircle, TwistedMatrix)
  • 3D CAD/CAM (FreeCAD, Fandango, Blender, Vintech RCAM)
  • Enterprise Applications (Odoo, Tryton, Picalo, LinOTP 2, RESTx)
  • Image Applications (Gnofract 4D, Gogh, imgSeek, MayaVi, VPython)
  • Mobile Applications (Aarlogic C05/3, AppBackup, Pyroute)
  • Office Applications (calibre, faces, Notalon, pyspread)
  • Personal Information Managers (BitPim, Narval, Prioritise, Task Coach, WikidPad)

Gnerally, Python is a great choice for:

  • Web and Internet development (e.g., Django and Pyramid frameworks, Flask and Bottle micro-frameworks)
  • Scientific and numeric computing (e.g., SciPy - a collection of packages for the purposes of mathematics, science, and engineering; Ipython - an interactive shell that features editing and recording of work sessions)
  • Education (it's a brilliant language for teaching programming! And that's why we're offering this course to you!)
  • Desktop GUIs (e.g., wxWidgets, Kivy, Qt)
  • Software Development (build control, management, and testing - Scons, Buildbot, Apache Gump, Roundup, Trac)
  • Business applications (ERP and e-commerce systems - Odoo, Tryton)

And many, many other projects and development tools.

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